25th October 2012: New video on seabird smart fishing

COLTO is very pleased to announce the launch of the video ‘Seabird Smart Fishing – a Collaborative Approach’ produced by the Southern Seabird Solutions Trust.

The video showcases three fisheries – the Antarctic autoline fishery, the New Zealand deepwater trawl fleet and the Chilean toothfish fishery.  It provides an overview of the effective initiatives and very positive results in reducing seabird mortality in these fisheries, thanks to collaboration between scientists, the fishing industry and organisations such as Southern Seabird Solutions.

COLTO is proud to be a co-sponsor of the video and hopes that it will inspire other fisheries to collaborate and seek solutions in respect of seabird interactions.

We invite you to watch the Seabird Smart Fishing film online.

More information about seabird mitigation in the three fisheries is available on the Southern Seabirds Solutions Trust website.